University Staff

Pedro Caceres
Pedro Caceres
exhibitions preparator
Hannah, a blonde woman with fair skin, smiling and standing in front of a blue car. She is wearing a baseball cap and denim clothing.
Hannah DeWeerd
visitor experience assistant
Elizabeth van der Marck-Gregg. She has fair skin, green glasses, and short blonde hair. She is smiling and is outdoors.
Elizabeth van der Marck-Gregg
visitor experience liaison
Stephen Martonis
Stephen Martonis
exhibitions manager
Maggie Mazzullo
Maggie Mazzullo
head registrar and collection manager
Hope Saska standing in the CU Art Museum vault. She has her hand rested on some open drawers in a flat filing cabinet and is wearing a dark sweater and a scarf.
Hope Saska
acting director, chief curator and director of academic engagement

Student Staff

Rawan, standing next to an ornately framed painting depicting a woman with a flower crown. Rawan is wearing a beige hijab and a dark vest over a long sleeve white T-shirt.
Rawan AlGahtani
museum attendant
Lily, standing outdoors in a city. She has light brown skin, long, dark brown hair, and is smiling. She is wearing a black hat, vest, and jeans.
Lily Arasaratnam
museum attendant
Haley, who has white skin and light brown hair. She is squishing her cheeks with her hands.
Haley Baum
museum attendant
Neb, a white person with a short blonde buzzcut and light blue glasses.
Neb Berry
museum attendant
Terrance, who has dark hair and is smiling gleefully while standing between two colorful paintings. There is floral wallpaper behind him. He has an afro, a beard, and is wearing a black T-shirt.
Terrance Kunkle
museum attendant
Bella Malherbe sitting outside on a small boulder surrounded by greenery. She is white, has red hair, and is wearing overalls.
Bella Malherbe
lead museum attendant
Emma, sitting outside. She has light skin, medium brown, curly hair, and is wearing a band T-shirt.
Emma Pellegrini
museum attendant
A black and white photo of Riley. Her eyes are closed and she is smiling. She has short hair with bangs, and is standing indoors with a door and some shelves behind her.
Riley Ramsay
lead museum attendant
Ava, who has light skin and long, dark brown hair. She is wearing a white dress and is seated outdoors.
Ava Reynolds
museum attendant
Madison, who has light skin and dark hair with bangs that is tied up. She has glasses and is wearing a red shirt. She is standing next to a cermic sculpture resting atop a white pedestal.
Madison Spence
museum attendant
A headshot of Dulce, who is smiling and looking at the camera. She has dark, wavy hair with blonde streaks and light brown skin. She is wearing a black, long-sleeved shirt.
Dulce Valenzuela
museum attendant
Mia, who is smiling and wearing a white floral dress while seated in a pink oval-shaped chair outdoors. She has light brown skin and dark brown hair with blonde streaks.
Mia Vasquez-Ortiz
museum attendant
Hilary, who has light colored skin, light brown hair, and glasses. She is smiling while climbing a boulder outdoors.
Hilary Young
museum attendant