Awards & Recognitions

Below are some of the highlights of awards, honors and recognitions received by our world-renowned faculty, staff and outstanding students.


Melinda Piket-May was named a Faculty Leadership Institute (FLI) fellow by CU Boulder. 

Scott Diddams was named an IEEE fellow for his contributions in optical frequency combs and their applications.

Tamara Lehman earned the IEEE Computer Society T&C Rising Star Service Award.

Al Gasiewski earned the Golden Florin Award by the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society and the Italian Centre for Microwave Remote Sensing for his more than 40 years of outstanding contributions in passive microwave remote sensing research. 

Lucy Pao received the Outstanding Mentor Award for Faculty Mentoring from CU Boulder.

Shu-Wei Huang earned the Outstanding Faculty Researcher Award from the Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering.

Josh Combes received the Holland Teaching Excellence Award and Outstanding Junior Faculty Member from the Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering.

Bri-Mathias Hodge earned the Holland Mentorship Award from the Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering.

Peter Mathys received the Faculty Service Award from the Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering.

Mona Elhelbawy received the Faculty Service Award from the Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering.


Taylor Barton received the IEEE MTT-S Outstanding Young Engineer Award for her technical contributions from patents, publications, such as journal articles, reports and product releases in microwave theory. 

Taylor Barton earned the Provost's Faculty Achievement Award from CU Boulder. 

Josh Combes earned the National Science Foundation CAREER Award to further quantum research and foster the next generation of quantum-aware engineers across disciplines.  

Joe Izraelevitz earned the National Science Foundation CAREER Award to make complex memory technologies visible to programmers. 

Joe Izraelevitz recieved the Holland Departmental Award Winner for Outstanding Teaching from the Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering.

Melinda Piket-May earned the Max S. Peters Faculty Service Award from the College of Engineering & Applied Science.

Fabio Somenzi earned the Textbook Recognition Award from College of Engineering & Applied Science.

Dragan Maksimovic was named a Distinguished Professor by the University of Colorado Board of Regents.

Dragan Maksimovic earned the IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award for outstanding contributions to the advancement of power electronics, specifically in digital control, modeling and topologies of switched-mode power supplies.

Scott Diddams received the C.E.K. Mees Medal from Optica for his innovations leading to wide-ranging application of optical frequency combs.

Zoya Popovic was named a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors for her innovation in high-efficiency, low-noise microwave and RF engineering. 

Shu-Wei Huang received the Outstanding Reviewer Recognition from Optica. 

Eric Wustrow earned first place in the CSAW Applied Resarch Competition. 

Dall'Anese earns IEEE Best Paper Award tackling online optimization. 


Luca Corradini received the Textbook Recognition Award from the College of Engineering & Applied Science. 

Zoya Popovic was elected to the National Academy of Engineering, one of the highest professional distinctions granted to engineers in academia and industry.

Alan Mickelson received the Open Educator Award from CU Boulder. 

Dragan Maksimovic earned the IEEE PELS R. David Middlebrook Achievement Award recognizing his contributions to modeling and analysis of digitally controlled power converters.

Eric Wustrow recieved a National Science Foundation CAREER Award to further computer engineering research to fight Internet censorship. 

Eric Wustrow received the USENIX Test of Time Award from the Advanced Computing Systems Association. 

Tamara Lehman earned the Outstanding Mentor for the Discovery Learning Apprenticeship from the College of Engineering & Applied Science. 

Tamara Lehman earned the Outstanding Service for Inclusion and Diversity from CU Boulder.

Tamara Lehman recieved the DARPA Riser award for her research advancing national security.

​Emiliano Dall'Anese was named the Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering Outstanding Faculty Researcher. 

Sean Shaheen earned the Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering Outstanding Service Award.

Al Gasiewski was named a Fellow by the IEEE.

Bart Van Zeghbroeck was named a Senior Member by the IEEE.

Lucy Pao was named Outstanding Postdoc Mentor of the Year Award by CU Boulder. 


Juliet Gopinath was named a fellow from Optica for her contributions in optics and nanophotonics.

Robert Erickson received the Textbook Recognition Award from the College of Engineering and Applied Science.

Robert Erickson received the IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award for their contributions to power electronics education and analysis, modeling and design of power converters. 

Marco Nicotra earned a National Science Foundation CAREER Award furthering research in hypersampled model predictive control. 

Xudong Chen earned a National Science Foundation CAREER Award to develop a new framework to enable better control of large networked systems. 

Xudong Chen earned the Donald P. Eckman Award from the American Automatic Control Council for contributions to control, estimation and analysis of large-scale multi-agent systems, including ensemble control theory, ensemble estimation theory, ensemble system identification and networked control theory. 

Shu-Wei Huang earned a National Science Foundation CAREER Award for a new imaging technique to help catch early osteoarthritis.

Eric Wustrow recieved the Holland Departmental Award Winner for Outstanding Teaching.

Lucy Pao was elected as a Corresponding Member Abroad of the Austrian Academy of Sciences


Bri-Mathias Hodge earned the Chairman's Award for Exceptional Performance by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Xudong Chen received the Young Investigator Award from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. 

Bob Erickson landed the William E. Newell Power Electronics Award by the IEEE for his contributions to power electronics education and modeling. 

Emiliano Dall'Anese earned a National Science Foundation CAREER Award for his focus on sustainable infrastructure. 

Shu-Wei Huang was named a senior member for Optica. 

Bob McLeod recieved CU-Boulder's Chancellor's Research Innovation Award.

Wounjhang (Won) Park was named a fellow by the International Society for Optics and Photonics.


Bri-Mathias Hodge earned the Oustanding Performance Award by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Dejan Filipovic was named a IEEE Fellow. 

Shu-Wei Huang was named a senior member for the International Society for Optics and Photonics.

Taylor Barton earned a National Science Foundation CAREER Award for for her work on enabling the next generation of wireless communication systems.

Taylor Barton earned the Outstanding Junior Faculty Award by the College of Engineering & Applied Science.

Melinda Piket-May earned Klaus D. and Jean L. Timmerhaus Teaching Ambassador Award from the University of Colorado system. 


Emiliano Dall’Anese earned Oustanding Service as Reviewer from the IEEE. 

Taylor Barton was selected for the Young Investigator Program by Air Force Office of Scientific Research.


Sean Shaheen earned the Provost's Faculty Achievement Award and the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in STEM Education from CU Boulder. 

Melinda Piket-May was named an Engage Faculty Fellow from CU Boulder. 

Lucy Pao received the Control Engineering Practice Award from the American Automatic Control Council.

Lucy Pao received the Scientific Award from the European Academy of Wind Energy


Bri-Mathias Hodge earned a Fulbright Fellowship for the VTT Wind Power Integration Team in Finland.

Emiliano Dall’Anese received an Exceptional Performance award from NREL. 

Juliet Gopinath earned the Provost Achievement Award from CU Boulder. 

Juliet Gopinath earned a National Science Foundation CAREER Award. 


Shu-Wei Huang earned the Young Investigator Award from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.

Zoya Popovic was named a Distinguished Research Lecturer by CU Boulder.

Zoya Popovic earned the Rudy Henning Distinguished Mentoring Award from the IEEE. 

Dragan Maksimovic was named a Fellow by the IEEE for contributions to digital control of high-frequency switched-mode power converters.

Lucy Pao received the SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Best Paper Prize.


Melinda Piket-May earned the Faculty Recognition Award from the Boulder Faculty Assembly at CU Boulder. 

Bob McLeod received the Provost Faculty Achievement Award from CU Boulder.

Bob McLeod received the Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering Holland Departmental Award Winner for Outstanding Teaching Award. 


Chris Myers was named a Fellow by the IEEE for contributions to design and testing for asynchronous, analog and genetic circuits.

Zoya Popovic earned the Distinguished Educator Award by the IEEE MTT.

Bob McLeod received the Outstanding Research Award by Intel. 

Lucy Pao was elevated to Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control.


Melinda Piket-May earned the Distinguished Service Award from the University of Colorado System Faculty Council. 

Wounjhang (Won) Park earned the Provost's Faculty Achievement Award from CU Boulder.

Lucy Pao was named a Fellow by the IEEE for contributions to feedforward and feedback control systems. 

Lucy Pao received the IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award.

Juliet Gopinath earned the R&D 100 Award for Wavelength Beam Combining Fiber-Coupled Diode Lasers. 


Michael Lightner named a fellow for American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE).

Melinda Piket-May earned the Excellence in Service by the Boulder Faculty Assembly at CU Boulder. 

Juliet Gopinath was named a Senior Member by the IEEE. 

Dejan Filipovic earned the Provost's Faculty Achievement Award at CU Boulder. 


Mahesh Varanasi named a Fellow by the IEEE. 

Rafael Piestun named a Fellow by Optica.

Zoya Popovic was named a Distinguished Professor by the University of Colorado. 

Peter Mathys received the Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering Holland Departmental Award Winner for Outstanding Teaching. 

Bob McLeod earned a CAREER Award by the National Science Foundation. 


Scott Diddams was named a Fellow by Optica. 

Scott Diddams was named a Fellow by the American Physical Society. 

Melinda Piket-May received the Women Who Make a Difference Award by the University of Colorado. 

Bob McLeod earned the Dean's Performance Award by the College of Engineering and Applied Science. 

Bob McLeod received the Provost Achievement Award by the University of Colorado Boulder. 


Wounjhang (Won) Park earned the Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Senior Fellowship in Cancer Nanotechnology Research by the National Institute of Health. 

Dejan Filipovic earned the Provost's Faculty Achievement Award by CU Boulder. 

Luca Corradini received a Prize Paper Award from the Industrial Power Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society.


Youjian Liu earned the Junior Faculty Development Award by CU Boulder. 

Kelvin Wagner was named a Senior Member by the IEEE. 

Lucy Pao received the Best Paper Award at the World Haptics Conferenc.


Bob McLeod earned the Junior Faculty Development Award by CU Boulder. 


Peter Mathys earned the Sullivan-Carlson Innovation in Teaching Award.

Kelvin Wagner was named a Fellow by Optica.


Melinda Piket-May recieved the Elizabeth E. Gee Memorial Lectureship Award. 

Zoya Popovic was named a Fellow by the IEEE. 


Michael Lightner was named a Fellow by the IEEE. 

Lucy Pao earned the Young Investigator Award from the Office of Naval Research. 


Lucy Pao received a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation. 

Chris Myers received a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation. 

Lucy Pao received the Young Author Prize at the International Federation of Automatic Control Triennial World Congress.


Kelvin Wagner earned a Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation. 

College of Engineering & Applied Science Employee Recognition Award

  • Patty Sue Femrite (2024)
  • Lori Meehan (2022)
  • Kimberly Low (2021)

College of Engineering & Applied Science Outstanding Staff Award

  • Robin McClanahan (2021)

College of Engineering & Applied Science Outstanding Graduate Advisor

  • Lori Meehan (2021)

College of Engineering & Applied Science Staff Incentive Award

  • Adam Saddoff (2024)

College of Engineering & Applied Science Committment to Excellence Award

25 Years

  • Adam Saddoff (2021)

5 Years

  • Patty Sue Femrite (2024)
  • Robin Elliott (2023)
  • Robin McClanahan (2023)
  • Erica Reid (2023)
  • Bret Moreland (2023)

Electric Buffalo: Inspiration - This department awards acknowledges the permanent staff team member who is an inspiration to others by demonstrating a positive, go-getter attitude, a willingness to take on extra tasks with a smile and the ability to beat down the Monday blues by making you feel excited to be at work. This person can remind you why you’re passionate about your company and your mission. 

  • Lori Meehan (2024)
  • Bret Moreland (2023)
  • Patty Sue Femrite (2022)

Electric Buffalo: Inclusive Excellence - This department awards acknowledges the permanent staff team member(s) who not only endorse inclusive excellence but actively promotes it and sets the example! And exemplifies the Colorado Creed.

  • Kim MacGregor (2024)
  • Katie Morgan (2023)
  • Audrey Cook (2022)

Electric Buffalo: Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders - This department awards acknowledges the permanent staff team member who demonstrates honor, integrity, accountability, respect and contributions to the common good while sharing and engaging in diverse perspectives using their critical thinking and creative problem solving skills in the department community to build up the next generation of scholars/staff.

  • Erica Reid (2024)
  • Lori Meehan (2023)
  • Lori Meehan (2022)

Electric Buffalo: Innovation - This department awards acknowledges the permanent staff team member who serves as the nexus for innovation by facilitating collaboration and the sharing of diverse perspectives in the department to elucidate and address complex issues and opportunities.

  • Debbie Yeh (2024)
  • Kimberly Low (2023)
  • Robin Elliott (2022)

Electric Buffalo: Positive Humanity Impact - This department awards acknowledges the permanent staff team member who uses creative solutions to create positive societal outcomes in our ECEE community.

  • Patty Sue Femrite (2024)
  • Lori Meehan (2023)
  • Lori Meehan (2022)


The National Science Foundation has awarded three prestigious Graduate Research Fellowship Program awards to electrical, computer and energy engineering PhD students:

  • Aliza Siddiqui (Advisor: Josh Combes)
  • Dylan Meyer (Advisor: Scott Diddams)
  • Alex Pham (Advisors: Cody Scarborough and Robert MacCurdy) 


PhD student Jonathan Musgrave (Advisor: Shu-Wei Huang) earned a U.S. Department of Defense National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship for his promising research in laser physics and nonlinear photonics. 

PhD student Fiona Majeau (Advisor: Bri-Mathias Hodge) landed the U.S. Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship for her promising research in electric grid modeling and simulation.

Georgia Sandidge and Collin Wallish, PhD students, recieved the Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin Corporation Endowed Graduate Fellowship. 

College of Engineering & Applied Sciences Perservance Award

  • Bruno Armas (2024)
  • Samantha Lemley (2021)
  • Calvin Mooz (2021)

College of Engineering & Applied Sciences Community Impact Award

  • Jasleen Batra (2024)
  • Noklas Provost (2021)

College of Engineering & Applied Sciences Research Award

  • Phaedra Sophia Curlin (2022) 
  • Jimmy Gammell (2021)

College of Engineering & Applied Sciences Academic Engagement Award 

  • Padmakshi Dahal (2022)
  • Soham Tamhane (2021)

College of Engineering & Applied Sciences Wellness Award

  • William Pryor (2022)