Welcome to your advising center. Here you can access the course catalog, schedule a tour of the school, ask a quick question or set up a meeting with an advisor—all through our contact form.
Contact us
School of Education, Ofelia Miramontes and Leonard Baca Education Building, Room 193
| 303-492-6555 | edadvise@colorado.edu
Academic advising appointments are offered in-person and via Zoom.
Please be sure to schedule an appointment with your assigned Academic Advisor through Buff Portal Advising at www.colorado.edu/buffportaladvising/. If you are unable to schedule an appoitment in Buff Portal Advising or have other questions email edadvise@colorado.edu.
If you are not a current CU Boulder student or not in the School of Education, please email edadvise@colorado.edu.
If you are current graduate student, please email soe.gradvise@colorado.edu
What is Advising?