
Check out some of our latest publications.  If you can't find a pdf online, feel free to contact us and we can provide a copy. Updated March 30th, 2017.

Journal Articles:

Bermudez Rey, M.C., Clark, T.K., Wang, W., Leeder, T., Bian, Y., Merfeld, D.M. “Vestibular Perceptual Thresholds Increase above the Age of 40” Frontiers in Neurology 2016, 7:162. Doi: 10.3389/fneur.2016.00162.

Merfeld, D.M., Clark, T.K., Yue, L.M., and Karmali, F. “Dynamics of Individual Perceptual Decisions” Journal of Neurophysiology 2016, 115(1):39-59. doi: 10.1152/jn.00225.2015. Highlighted as “Featured Article” on the Journal of Neurophysiology homepage.

Clark, T.K., Newman, M.C., Oman, C.M., Merfeld, D.M., and Young, L.R. “Modeling Human Dynamic Perception of Orientation in Altered Gravity” Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience Special Topic: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Designing Sensorimotor Adaptation Countermeasures for Space Exploration Missions 2015, 9. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2015.00068.

Clark, T.K., Newman, M.C., Oman, C.M., Merfeld, D.M., and Young, L.R. “Human Manual Control Performance in Hyper-Gravity” Experimental Brain Research 2015, 233: 1409-1420. doi: 10.1007/s00221-015-4215-y.

Clark, T.K., Newman, M.C., Oman, C.M., Merfeld, D.M., and Young, L.R. “Human Perceptual Overestimation of Whole-Body Roll Tilt in Hyper-Gravity” Journal of Neurophysiology 2015, 113(7): 2062-77. doi: 10.1152/jn.00095.2014.

Clark, T.K., Stimpson, A.J., Young, L.R., Oman, C.M., Duda, K.R., Natapoff, A. “Human Spatial Orientation Perception during Simulated Lunar Landing Motions” AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 2014, 51(1): 267-280. doi: 10.2514/1.A32493.  

Clark, T.K., Young, L.R., Stimpson, A.J., Duda, K.R., Oman C.M. “Numerical Simulation of Human Orientation perception during Lunar Landing” Acta Astronautica 2011, 69(7-8): 420-428. doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2011.04.016.


Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers:

Young, L.R., Karmali, F., Galvan-Garza, R.C., and Clark, T.K. “Changing Gravity Levels – Manual Control and Spatial Orientation Adaptation during Hypo-Gravity Centrifugation”, 67th International Astronautics Congress, Mexico City, MX, 26-30 Sep, 2016.

Engle, J., Dharmaraj, R., and Clark, T.K., “Artificial Gravity for Low Earth Orbit (ISS) & Deep Space Exploration” AIAA SPACE Conference, Long Beach, CA, 13-16 Sep, 2016.

Karmali, F., Diaz, A. Galvan-Garza, R.C., Clark, T.K., Sherwood, D.P., Young, L.R. “Development of a Countermeasure to Enhance Sensorimotor Adaptation to Altered Gravity” IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 5-12 Mar, 2016.

Clark, T.K., Newman, M.C., Merfeld, D.M., and Young, L.R. “Pilot Control and Stabilization of a Rate‑Controlled Vehicle in Hyper-Gravity” IEEE Aerospace Conference.  Big Sky, MT.  1-8 March, 2014.

Clark, T.K., Young, L.R., Duda, K.R., Oman, C.M. “Simulation of Astronaut Perception of Vehicle Orientation during Planetary Landing Trajectories” IEEE/AIAA Aerospace Conference. Big Sky, MT, 3‑10 March, 2012.

Stimpson, A.J., Clark, T.K., Young, L.R., Duda, K.R., Oman, C.M. “Effects of an Achievability Display during Simulated Lunar Landings” IEEE/AIAA Aerospace Conference. Big Sky, MT, 6-13 March, 2011.

Young, L.R., Stimpson, A.J., Clark, T.K., Duda, K.R., Oman, C.M. “Sensorimotor Control and Displays for Safe and Precise Lunar Landing” 61st International Astronautical Congress. Prague, Czech Republic. 27 September – 1 October, 2010.

Clark, T.K., Stimpson, A.J., Young, L.R., Oman, C.M., Duda, K.R. “Analysis of Human Spatial Perception during Lunar Landing” IEEE/AIAA Aerospace Conference. Big Sky, MT, 6-13 March, 2010.

Clark, T.K., Klein, P., Lake, G., Lawrence-Simon, S., Moore, J., Rhea-Carver, B., Sotola, M., Wilson, S., Wolfskill, C., Wu, A. “KRAKEN: Kinematically Roving Autonomously Controlled Electro-Nautic” 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Orlando, FL, 5-8 January, 2009.

Clark, T.K., Krieg, M., Mohseni, K., “Flow Visualization for Pulsatile Vortex Ring Thrusters” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, IMECE2008-68030, Boston, MA, 31 October – 6 November, 2008.


And if you would like some light bed time reading, my theses can be found at

Clark, T.K., Human Perception and Control of Vehicle Roll Tilt in Hyper-Gravity. Ph.D. Thesis in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge, MA, 2013. Won Stanley N. Roscoe Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation in 2013-2014 for research related to aerospace human factors from the Aerospace Human Factors Association.

Clark, T.K., Human Spatial Orientation Perception during Simulated Lunar Landing. S.M. Thesis in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge, MA, 2010.