
Ellen's research interests include design games, creativity and design cognition, health and happiness, ambient intelligence and innovation, and intelligent healthcare environments. Her papers appear in peer-reviewed international conferences and journals on computer-aided design in architecture and civil engineering, design studies, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, diagrammatic reasoning and human-computer interaction. She served as Design Community Chair for ACM CHI 2012 and 2013, as an Associate Chair for Design subcommittee for CHI 2015 and am currently serving on the Steering Committee for ACM C&C - Creativity and Cognition conference series (since 2015) and the Steering Committee ACM TEI – Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction conference series (since 2011, and SC Chair 2016 - 2018), and Associate Editor for the ACM Journal of Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT). Recently she served as the conference or program co-chair for several international conferences: ACM C&C 2015 in Glasgow, C&C 2017 and Augmented Human 2015 in Singapore, and TEI 2017 in Japan.

* My collection of Rittel's article