David Budd

  • Professor Emeritus

Education & Training

  • Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin 1984
  • M.S., Duke University 1978
  • B.A., College of Wooster 1976

Select Publications


  • Simon, R.E., BUDD, D.A., and Snell, K. A., 2023, The history of calcite diagenesis and origin of exceptionally negative oxygen isotope values in chalks of the Niobrara Formation, Denver Basin, U.S.A.. The Depositional Record, published online on 1/12/23. doi:10.1002/dep2.218
  • Iryu, I., Takayanagi, H., Ishikawa, T., Ishigaki, A., Asanuma, T., Teruya, R. and BUDD, D.A., 2023, Uplift rate of Kitadaito Jima Island on the lithospheric forebulge of the Philippine Sea plate, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 10, 4. Published online, 1/18/23. doi:10.1186/s40645-023-00535-5 Simon, R.E., Johnson, S.C., Khatib, O., Raschke, M.R., and BUDD, D.A., 2021, Nanoscale investigation of heterogeneity in oil-filled pores. Fuel, v. 300, 120836 (doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2021.120836).
  • Simon, R.E., Johnson, S.C., Khatib, O., Raschke, M.R., and BUDD, D.A., 2021, Nanoscale investigation of heterogeneity in oil-filled pores. Fuel, v. 300, 120836 (doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2021.120836).
  • Petrash. D.A., Bialik, O.R., Staudigel, P, Konhauser, K.O., and, BUDD, D.A., 2021, Biogeochemical reappraisal of the freshwater-seawater mixing zone diagenetic model. Sedimentology, v. 68, p. 1797-1830. 1st published online, 2/1/2021.
  • Medina, D.A., and BUDD, D.A., 2020, Critical Diagenetic Features Controlling Intergranular Flow Paths and Matrix Permeability in the Codell Sandstone, Northeastern Colorado. Mountain Geologist, v. 57, p.95-120.
  • BUDD, D.A., and Park, A.J., 2019, Bed-scale spatial patterns in dolomite abundance: II. Effect of varied fluid chemistry, flow rate, precursor mineralogy, temperature, textural heterogeneity, nucleation density, and bed geometry: Sedimentology. (DOI-10.1111/sed.12613)
  • Alqattan, M.A., and BUDD, D.A, 2017, Dolomite and dolomitization of the Late Permian Khuff-C reservoir in Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 101, p. 1715-1745.
  • BUDD, D.A., and Park, A.J., 2017, Formation of bed-scale spatial patterns in dolomite abundance during early replacive dolomitization: I. Mechanisms and feedbacks revealed by reaction-transport modeling: Sedimentology, v. 65: p. 209–234. doi:10.1111/sed.12400
  • Wang, Y., and BUDD, D.A., 2016, Self-organized pattern formation in geochemical systems, in Budd, D.A., Hajek, E.A., and Purkis, S., eds., Autogenic Dynamics and Self-Organization in Sedimentary Systems: SEPM Special Publication 106, in press.
  • BUDD, D.A., and Mathias, W.D., 2015, Formation of lateral patterns in rock properties by dolomitization: Evidence from a Miocene reaction front (Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles): Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 85, p. 1082-1101.
  • Barnes, F.S., BUDD, D.A., Lim, M., and Freeman, E.R., 2015, Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES), in, Cabeza, L.F., and Yan, J., eds, Handbook of Clean Energy Systems, Volume 5 – Energy Storage: John Wiley & Sons, London, p. 2717-2742.
  • Manzello, D.P., Enochs, I.C., Bruckner, A., Renaud, P.G., BUDD, D.A., Carlton, R., and Glynn, P.W., 2014, Galápagos coral reef persistence after ENSO warming across an acidification gradient: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL062501
  • BUDD, D.A., Frost, E.L, Huntington, K.W., and Allwardt, P.F., 2013, Syndepositional deformation features in high-relief carbonate platforms: long-lived conduits for diagenetic fluids: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 83, p. 12-36.
  • Frost, E.L., BUDD, D.A., and Kerans, C., 2012, Syndepositional deformation in a high-relief carbonate platform and its effect on early fluid-flow as revealed by dolomite patterns: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 82, p. 913-932.
  • Wang, Y. and BUDD, D.A., 2012, Stress-induced chemical waves in sediment burial diagenesis: Nature Communications, v. 3, article 685, DOI:10.1038/ncomms1684.
  • Maliva, R.G., BUDD, D.A., Clayton, E.A., Missimer, T.M., and Dickson, J.A.D., 2011, Insights into the dolomitization process and porosity modification in sucrosic dolomites, Avon Park Formation (Middle Eocene), east-central Florida: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 81, 218-232.
  • Huntington, K.W., BUDD, D.A., Wernicke, B.P., and Eiler, J.M., 2011, Use of clumped-isotope thermometry to constrain temperature of crystallization for diagenetic calcite: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 81, 656-669.
  • Thyne, G., Tomasso, M., Bywater-Reyes, S., BUDD, D.A., and Reyes, B., 2010, Characterization of porosity and permeability for CO2 sequestration models in the Mississippian Madison Group, Moxa Arch-LaBarge Platform, southwestern Wyoming: Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, p. 133-150.
  • Manzello, D.P., Kleypas, J.A., BUDD, D.A., Eakin, C.M., Glynn, P., and Langdon, C., 2008, Poorly cemented coral reefs of the eastern tropical Pacific: possible insights into reef development in a high CO2 world: Proceedings National Academy of Science, v. 105, p. 10450-10455.
  • Melzer, S.E., and BUDD, D.A., 2008, Retention of high permeability during shallow burial (300 to 500 m) of carbonate grainstones: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 78, p. 548-561.
  • Gaswirth, S.B., BUDD, D.A., and Farmer, L.G., 2007, The role and impact of regionally extensive freshwater-seawater mixing zones in the maturation of regional dolomite bodies within the proto Floridan Aquifer: Sedimentology, v. 54, p. 1065-1092.
  • BUDD, D.A., Pranter, M.J., and Zulfiquar, R., 2006, Lateral periodic variations in the petrophysical and geochemical properties of dolomites: Geology, v. 34, p. 373-376.
  • Vacher, H.L., Hutchins, W.C., and BUDD, D.A., 2006, Metaphors and models: the ASR bubble in the Floridan Aquifer: Groundwater, v. 44, p. 144-154.
  • Pranter, M.J., Zulfiquar, R., and BUDD, D.A., 2006, Reservoir-scale characterization and multiphase fluid-flow modeling of lateral petrophysical heterogeneity within dolomite facies of the Madison Formation, Sheep Canyon and Lysite Mountain, Wyoming, U.S.A.: Petroleum Geoscience, v. 12, p. 29-40.
  • Suzuki, Y. Iryu, I., Yamada, T., Aizawa, S., and BUDD, D.A., 2006, Origin of atoll dolomites distinguished by geochemistry and crystal chemistry: Sedimentary Geology, v. 183, p. 181-202.
  • Gaswirth, S.B., BUDD, D.A., and Crawford, B.R., 2006, Textural and stratigraphic controls on fractured dolomite in a carbonate aquifer system, Ocala Limestone, west-central Florida: Sedimentary Geology, v. 184, p. 241-254.
  • Pranter, M.J., Hirstius, C.B., and BUDD, D.A., 2005, Multiple scales of lateral petrophysical heterogeneity within dolomite lithofacies as determined from outcrop analogs: Implications for 3-D reservoir modeling: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 89, p. 645-662.
  • BUDD, D.A., and Vacher, H.L., 2004, Matrix permeability of the Upper Floridian Aquifer: Hydrogeology. Hydrogeology Journal, v. 12, p 531-549.
  • Hiatt, E.E., and BUDD, D.A., 2003, Extreme paleoceanographic conditions in a Paleozoic oceanic upwelling system: Organic Productivity and widespread phosphogenesis in the Permian Phosphoria Sea, in, Chan, M.A. and Archer, A.W., (eds.), Extreme Depositional Environments: Mega End Members in Geologic Time: Geological Society of America Special Paper 370, p. 245-264.
  • BUDD, D.A., 2002, The relative roles of compaction and early cementation in the destruction of permeability in carbonate grainstones: a case study from the Paleogene of west-central Florida, USA: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 72, p. 116-128.
  • BUDD, D.A., Gaswirth, S.B., and Oliver, W.L, 2002, Quantification of mascroscopic diagenetic subaerial exposure features in carbonate rocks: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 72, p.917-928.
  • BUDD, D.A., Pack, S.M., and Fogel, M.L., 2002, The destruction of palaeoclimatic isotopic signals in Pleistocene carbonate soil nodules of Western Australia: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 188, p. 249-273.
  • BUDD, D.A., 2001, Permeability variation with depth in the Cenozoic carbonate platform of west-central Florida , USA: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 85, no. 7. (click here for the full permeability data from west-central Florida)
  • Hiatt, E.E., and BUDD, D.A., 2001, Sedimentary phosphate formation in warm shallow waters: new insights into the paleoceanography of the Permian Phosphoria sea from analysis of phosphate oxygen isotopes: Sedimentary Geology, v. 145, p. 119-133.
  • BUDD, D.A., Hammes, U., and Ward, W.B., 2000, Cathodoluminescence in calcite: New insights on Mn-activation, Fe-quenching, and sensitizing by Pb and Zn using synchrotron X-ray fluorescence, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 70, p. 217-226.
  • BUDD, D.A., 1997, Cenozoic dolomites of carbonate islands: their attributes and origins: Earth Science Reviews, v. 42, p. 1-47.
  • Mowers, T.T., and BUDD, D.A., 1996, Quantification of porosity and permeability reduction due to calcite cementation using computer-assisted petrographic image analysis techniques: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 80, p. 309-322.
  • Johnson, R.A. and BUDD, D.A., 1994, The utility of continual reservoir description: An example from Bindley Field, western Kansas: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 78, p. 722-743.
  • Saller, A.H., BUDD, D.A., and Harris, P.M., 1994, Unconformities and porosity development in carbonate strata: Ideas from a Hedberg Conference: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 78, p. 857-872.
  • BUDD, D.A., Hammes, U., and Vacher, H.L., 1993, Calcite cementation in the upper Floridan Aquifer: a modern example for confined-aquifer cementation models?: Geology, v. 21, p. 33-36.
  • BUDD, D.A., and Hiatt, E.E., 1993, Mineralogical stabilization of high-Mg calcite: geochemical evidence for intracrystal recrystallization within Holocene porcellaneous foraminifera: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 63, p. 261-274.
  • Jones, I.C., Vacher, H.L., and BUDD, D.A., 1993, Transport of Ca, Mg, and SO4 in the Floridan Aquifer, west-central Florida: Implications to cementation rates: Journal of Hydrology, v. 143, p. 455-480.
  • Garfield, T.R., Hurley, N.F., and BUDD, D.A., 1992, Little Sand Draw field, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming: a hybrid dual- and single-porosity reservoir in the Phosphoria Formation: American Assoc. of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 76, p. 371-391.
  • BUDD, D.A, 1992, Dissolution of high-Mg calcite fossils and the formation of macroscopic biomolds during mineralogical stabilization: Carbonates & Evaporites, v. 7, p. 74-81.
  • BUDD, D.A. and Vacher, H.L., 1991, Predicting the thickness of fresh-water lenses in carbonate paleo-islands: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 61, p. 43-53.
  • BUDD, D.A. and Land, L.S., 1990, Geochemical imprint of meteoric diagenesis in Holocene ooid sands, Schooner Cays, Bahamas: Correlation of calcite cement geochemistry with extant groundwaters: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 60, p. 361-378.
  • BUDD, D.A., 1989, Micro-rhombic calcite and microporosity in limestones: a geochemical study of the Lower Cretaceous Thamama Group of the Arabian Gulf: Sedimentary Geology, v. 63, p. 293-311.
  • BUDD, D.A., 1988, Aragonite-to-calcite transformation during freshwater diagenesis of carbonates: Insights from pore-water chemistry: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 100, p. 1260-1270.
  • BUDD, D.A., 1988, Petrographic products of freshwater diagenesis in Holocene ooid sands, Schooner Cays, Bahamas: Carbonates & Evaporites, v. 3, p. 143-164.
  • BUDD, D.A. and Perkins, R.D., 1980, Bathymetric zonation and paleoecological significance of microborings in Puerto Rican shelf and slope sediments: Journal Sedimentary Petrology, v. 50, p. 881-904


  • Gold, A., Pendergast, P., Ormand, BUDD, D.A, C., Stempien, J., Stroh, J., Kravitz, K., Quintanilla, A., and Mueller, K., 2018, Spatial skills among undergraduate students – importance of gender, motivation, academic training, and childhood play: Geosphere. doi:10.1130/GESO1494.1
  • Gold, A., Pendergast, P., Ormand, BUDD, D.A, C., Stempien, J., Mueller, K, and Kravitz, K., 2018, Improving spatial thinking skills among undergraduate Geology students through short online training sessions. International Journal of Science Education. DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2018.1525621
  • BUDD, D.A., van der Hoeven Kraft, K. J., McConnell, D.A., and Vislova, T., 2013, Characterizing teaching in introductory geology courses: Measuring classroom practices: Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 61, p. 461-475.
  • Gilbert, L.A., Stempien, J., McConnell, D., BUDD, D.A., Jones, M.H., Knight, C.C., Matheney, R.K., Perkins, D., van der Hoeven Kraft, K.J., and Wirth, K.R., 2012, Not Just “Rocks for Jocks”: Who Are Introductory Geology Students and Why Are They Here?: Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 60, p. 360-371.
  • Wysession, M.E., LaDue, N., BUDD, D.A., Campbell, K., Conklin, M., Kappel, E., Lewis, G., Raynolds, R., Ridky, R.W., Taber, J., Tewksbury, B., and Tuddenham, P., 2012, Developing and Applying a Set of Earth Science Literacy Principles: Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 60, p. 95-99.