Community & Governance

The graduate program is led by a faculty Director of Graduate Studies (currently, Professor Sungyun Lim) and administered by a Graduate Program Assistant. The Graduate Studies Committee oversees all matters relating to curriculum and admissions; it also serves as the selection committee for research funding and other competitions.  The GSC is composed of the Director of Graduate Studies, the Graduate Assistant, four faculty members (representing different fields and ranks), and two graduate students (one who has already passed the portfolio, and another who is still taking coursework). Graduate student members do not vote on matters relating to admissions or funding, and they may not be present on those very unusual occasions when sensitive matters relating to individual students must be discussed.

The History Graduate Student Association (HGSA) represents the collective graduate student community, furthers professional development initiatives for students seeking careers within and beyond academia, and seeks to foster a constructive, inclusive learning and living environment. Membership in HGSA is open to all interested students, and members participate in annual elections to select officers to represent their interests and oversee HGSA’s operations.