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Richard Border wins Dosier/Muenzinger Award for Outstanding Contribution to Basic Research

Recent IBG graduate Richard Border won the Dosier/Muenzinger Award for Outstanding Contribution to Basic Research.

Richard Border, who was one of IBG's Winter 2019 graduates, was nominated by his mentors Soo Rhee and Matt Keller for this award. They note that Richard is one of the “brightest, most conscientious, most generous and hardest working graduate students we have ever encountered in our combined ~35 years at the University of Colorado.”  He has been an extraordinarily productive researcher, with an impressive publication record in high-impact journals.  One of his articles showed that over 1000 previous “candidate gene” studies on major depression were wrong. This paper has already garnered numerous citations, and was also the subject of a popular press article in The Atlantic. His research record is one that an early career faculty member should be proud of, much less a graduate student.  In addition, Richard obtained a Master’s degree in Applied Math while obtaining his PhD in our department, has been awarded NIMH training grants every year he was eligible, and has received prestigious post-doc offers. Congratulations, Richard!