Photo of Mark Abdelshiheed
Research Scientist Level 1 • D'Mello Lab
Institute of Cognitive Science

Bio: Mark Abdelshiheed is a Computer Science postdoctoral research scientist working with Dr. Sidney D'Mello at the Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. Mark received his Ph.D. in 2023 from North Carolina State University (NCSU) under the supervision of Dr. Min Chi.  He received the College of Engineering Doctoral Scholar of the Year Award for Scholarly Achievement in 2023 from NCSU. His research interests involve blending Artificial Intelligence in education with metacognitive theories to prepare students for future learning across deductive domains. He aims to leverage Reinforcement Learning to provide metacognitive interventions that adapt to students’ metacognitive knowledge. In the longer term, Mark would strive to derive a unified theory of how humans think based on metacognition, motivation, and emotions. Hence, he aims to pursue an academic career that fulfills his research desire and teaching passion. In his leisure time, Mark watches sports such as soccer and tennis.

Research Interests: AI in Education, Reinforcement Learning, Metacognition, and Cognitive Psychology.