The list below is comprised of enterprise-level tools that include any level of AI capability which have been vetted and approved by CU Boulder. Campus users are encouraged to utilize these tools as needed, with the appropriate level of information security in mind. This list is not exhaustive as outside vendors make frequent updates to tools and services. 

If you use any AI tools, you are only allowed to input data classified as public. As an affiliate of CU Boulder, you are not allowed to input any other level of data in these tools. If you feel you have a need to input any other form of data, fill out a risk acceptance form.

Most of the tools listed below are available to faculty, staff and students. If you have questions on accessing a specific tool, please contact OIT at

Productivity tools 

Tool name Description Access
Adobe Creative Cloud Adobe Firefly is a family of generative AI models to boost creativity and speed up workflows in Adobe products.  Available to all faculty, staff and students to purchase
Microsoft CoPilot Chat Microsoft Copilot provides free access to GPT-4 and DALL-E 3 through Copilot Chat and can help faculty and staff improve their productivity and efficiency.  Currently available to Faculty and Staff 
Microsoft 365 CoPilot  Microsoft 365 CoPilot adds CoPilot’s AI functionality to a suite of Microsoft tools including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, and more.  Currently available via early access pilot program
Wolphram Alpha Pro  Wolfram Alpha Pro is an online computational answer engine that accepts natural language input. AI allows systems to retrieve precise, disambiguated data and perform complex calculations through simple natural language queries. Available to faculty, staff, and students
Zoom AI Companion Zoom is a web conferencing tool that unifies cloud video conferencing, online meetings, and collaboration into one platform. Zoom AI Companion offers new AI features that include meeting summaries, companion chat and smart recordings. Actively affiliated faculty, staff, and students have access to a Zoom Pro account. 

Programming, developer and coding tools

Tool name Description Access
CU Boulder’s Cloud Services  Cloud Foundations Service provides access to centrally provisioned public cloud services for administrative, teaching & learning, and research needs. Cloud services includes developer resources to access AI functionality through Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. Currently faculty and staff can request access to AWS and Azure account access
Gurobi Optimizer Gurobi Optimizer is a commercial optimization solver for linear programming (LP), quadratic programming (QP), as well as mixed-integer and quadratically-constrained variations. Gurobi Optimizer’s AI capability implements advanced analytics solutions, including optimization and data science solutions. Available to faculty, staff, and students at no cost

Analysis and Data Visualization tools 

Tool name Description Access
JMP JMP Pro is software for doing a variety of statistical analyses and data visualization. JMP allows users to use machine learning methods without having to write code and tune algorithms.  Available to all faculty, staff, and students at CU Boulder at no cost.
MATLAB MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical computation, visualization, and programming. Using AI, MATLAB can create models with a few lines of code, use low-code apps to build complete and scalable AI workflows and combine AI techniques with system-level simulation to reduce errors in production.  Available to all faculty, staff, and students at CU Boulder at no cost.
NVivo NVivo is a qualitative analysis software package that helps qualitative researchers organize, analyze, and find insights in unstructured or qualitative data including interviews, open-ended survey responses, journal articles, social media, and web content. NVivo utilizes AI to power the autocoding feature to produce analysis results faster.  Actively affiliated faculty, staff, and students have access to purchase an annual subscription.
SAS SAS is a statistical software product used for analyzing and modeling data. SAS leverages AI to provide intelligent decision support systems. These systems combine the power of data analytics, machine learning, and optimization algorithms to assist users in complex decision-making processes.  Actively affiliated faculty, staff, and students have access to purchase an annual subscription.
SPSS SPSS is a statistical software platform that includes all facets of the analytics lifecycle, from data preparation and management to analysis and reporting. SPSS Modeler utilizes IBM Watson Studio which allows users to operationalize predictive AI and optimize decisions.  Actively affiliated faculty, staff, and students have access to purchase an annual subscription.
Tableau Tableau data visualization software helps users see and understand data, easily connect to a variety of data sources and tools to help visualize and present your data. Tableau AI leverages the advanced capabilities of generative AI (GAI) to generate meaningful content on its own.  Available to departments, faculty, staff, researchers, and students for academic or research uses at no cost.