Cytoskeletal active matter

In mixtures of cytoskeletal filaments and molecular motors, local sliding motions can lead to large-scale collective motions. How do we integrate  molecular-level knowledge to predict higher-order aspects of assembly and organization in these systems?

Chromosome segregation in cell division

For a living cell to divide successfully, each daughter cell must inherit the correct genetic material. We are working to understanding how the microtubule-based mitotic spindle organizes and moves chromosomes.

Mitotic spindle assembly and regulation

During cell division, mitotic spindles segregate duplicated chromosomes with high fidelity. Interactions between microtubules, motor proteins, and crosslinkers organize the spindle into a bipolar array, but how spindle bipolarity is established is not fully understood.

Motor dynamics and microtubule length regulation

Biological filaments can serve as one-dimensional tracks on which motor proteins move.  Asymmetric simple exclusion process models that have been applied to diverse examples of one-dimensional nonequilibrium transport.