
Ethanol is placed in various sized nalgene bottles with nails through the sides and corks in the tops.  The ethanol explodes when the nails are touched with a tesla coil.  The bottles fill with blue flames and the corks fly into the air.


C2H5OH(l) + 3O2(g)  2CO2(g) + 3H2O(g)

Prior to Lecture  

  1. Assemble the following: 
    • absolute ethanol in a wash bottle
    • nalgene bottles with nails through the sides (already constructed)
    • corks to fit snugly in each bottle
    • fire extinguisher
    • goggles

To Conduct Demonstration

  1.  Lower the light
  2. Turn on tesla coil and bring to within 1" or closer of the nail extending from one of the bottles.  The ethanol inside will explode, shooting the cork out.
  3. Repeat with all bottles

Safety and Disposal

The tesla coil causes burns if the tip is touched to skin.  Corks are propelled with considerable force.  Do not lean over the bottles or allow anyone else to do so.  Goggles should be worn.