​ ​ ​Giraffe browsing from treeJacqui Codrin and Daryl Codron in grasslandTeam near truck in burned grassland

  ​One person walking down into riverine woodland ​Oliver Paine, Jennifer Leichliter, and Denne Reed in Addis AbabaOliver Paine and Jennifer Leichliter reading a map

  ​Researchers standing and sitting on grass beside a swamp Researcher sitting at a computer screen used for laser workPaul Sandberg with Ben Passey in front of a mass spec in Ben's lab

  ​Jennifer Leichliter sitting in tree Oliver Paine using a microscope Researchers working in the Cradle Nature Reserve

  People standing around a braai pit at KenjaraA rhino in South Africa ​ ​The skull of "Little Foot" embedded in breccia