RPL graduate student Alex Sousa awarded an Early Career Collaboration Award to join the Oman Drilling Project

June 20, 2018

Alex Sousa in the Cardace Lab at the University of Rhode Island was awarded an Early Career Collaboration Award to join the Oman Drilling Project core description effort on board the Japanese drilling vessel, the Chikyu, in Summer 2018. Alex was also funded to visit CU Boulder after the core...

RPL graduate student Eric Dunham awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

June 20, 2018

Eric Dunham, a graduate student in the Boyd Lab at Montana State University was awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to study the role of microscale interactions in the productivity and assembly of mineral-hosted microbial communities. See the Montana State press release .

Rocky Mountain Geobiology Symposium 2018

April 8, 2018

RPL co-I John Spear and graduate student Emily Kraus at the Colorado School of Mines hosted the 2 nd Annual Rocky Mountain Geobiology Symposium in Golden, CO in April 2018. The meeting drew together more than 50 Astrobiology and Geobiology participants from Universities and research centers in Colorado, Montana, Utah, Kansas, and Arizona.

NASA Workshop Without Walls - Serpentinizing Systems Science

Feb. 2, 2017

Many RPL team members organized and participated in the NASA Workshop Without Walls focused on Serpentinizing Systems Science that was held online from Jan. 31 – Feb. 2, 2017. At its peak, there were ~100 separate participants and participant groups that connected via Adobe Connect to listen and view the...

2015 RPL NAI Annual Report

Rock-Powered Life: Revealing Mechanisms of Energy Flow From the Lithosphere to the Biosphere

AbSciCon 2015 NASA press conference coverage by wired.com

June 17, 2015

AbSciCon 2015 NASA press conference coverage by space.com

June 17, 2015

ASU scientists play key roles in new NASA mission to Jupiter's moon Europa

May 26, 2015

Subsurface life forms that don’t need the Sun may hold the key to understanding the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe
