Undergraduate Global Engineering Options

Undergraduates who are interested in facets of global engineering have several options, depending on their major. For information on undergraduate-level courses offered, visit our Courses page.

In recognition that all engineering has global impact, we focus on building students' capacity to work in an international team from within an office located domestically or internationally. These work environments necessitate that students understand multinational contexts as well as local office and nongovernmental agency contexts, and that they can make decisions in often complex and uncertain circumstances. Engineers will also be required to work with colleagues from around the world to find locally appropriate solutions to global issues such as climate change, crumbling urban infrastructure, and the need to find adequate water and food supplies for a growing world population. Read more.

No. There is no free-standing major in Global Engineering. Students must enroll in a degree program offered by the College of Engineering and Applied Science. See the College's Engineering Program Options website for complete details about majors that we offer. 

Yes! Any student who is enrolled in a degree program within the College of Engineering and Applied Science may choose to complete the new Minor in Global Engineering.  Check out the Global Engineering Minor website for details.