Tuesday October 8, 2024

AGeS TRaCE Proposal Application Deadline. Please visit here to find out more about application information, and click here to submit your proposal!

  • There are strong needs for training and community collaboration on numerous topics across the discipline of geochronology. AGeS-TRaCE is a new funding mechanism that supports community-driven ideas for addressing geochronology needs, such as capturing, formalizing, and disseminating not-yet-standardized geochronology knowledge, and providing opportunities for collaborative discussion on key geochronology challenges related to human-, technical-, or cyber-infrastructure.

  • Examples of AGeS-TRaCE project topics include but are not limited to: accessible webinars, tutorials, and workshops on best practices, lab procedures, instrument design, statistics and uncertainties, or data interpretation with generated content that can be made available on the AGeS website; focused meetings to discuss interlaboratory calibration, spikes, new and emerging chronometers, data management and curation systems, modeling tool development or other capabilities needed for the future; accessible teaching activities that involve geochronologic data; outreach to the broader Earth sciences community and/or the public to communicate the importance of geochronology; and projects that address other community needs

  • Typical award amount: Up to $10,000. Budgets may include stipends required to accomplish the proposed activities, travel for project participants, and/or other related costs.