Molly Hamm-Rodriguez
Current PhD student
Educational Equity and Cultural Diversity Program • School of Education

I am a PhD student in the Educational Equity and Cultural Diversity program in the School of Education. I am interested in the intersections of language, im/migration and schooling from a sociolinguistic and ethnographic perspective. I am also interested in how language is used in social interaction, in schools, and in the practice of everyday life to articulate and construct race, class, gender, sexuality, culture, and citizenship in particular contexts. At the micro-level, I examine critical literacy practices, conversations, and personal narratives. At the macro-level, I look at discourse, collective narratives, and language ideologies. My research is both domestic and international in focus, with language communities including immigrant and refugee populations in the US, members of the Afro-Latinx diaspora, and diverse social and cultural groups across Latin America and the Caribbean.