Education Abroad

The Education Abroad office is your first stop for everything you need to know about studying abroad. Their website has a step-by-step guide which we recommend reviewing.

Students who study abroad take all types of courses: General Education, Major Requirements and Electives. It is important to work with both your academic advisor and the Education Abroad office during the course selection process. Your advisor can help you better understand what options you have based on your degree audit and progress. The Education Abroad office will assist with course options based on where you want to go. If you choose major courses that have not been previously approved, your advisor can help get them evaluated for opssible applicability to major requirements.

There is a database of previously approved courses from many different study abroad sites on the Education Abroad website. However, these lists are not exhaustive and new courses are added all the time.

Students study abroad as early as the summer after their first year at CU and as late as senior year. However, the most common time to go abroad is during junior year. Remember, every student is different and this decision is based on what programs are available, what courses you need for your degree and a number of other determining factors. You need to choose based on what is right for you. Your academic advisor and Education Abroad staff are here to help.

The links above provide study abroad guides for both majors. Although there are common programs associated with each major, this is an individual choice based on the coursework you have left to complete and your own personal preferences.

Both your academic advisor and Education Abroad staff are here to help!

You should consult with your academic advisor regarding:

  • Which classes to take abroad
  • Which classes need to be taken at CU before/after you go abroad to stay on track for graduation
  • Having study abroad courses reviewed for applicability to your PSYC or NRSC major

You should consult with the Education Abroad office regarding:

  • Features of individual programs
  • Application process
  • Financial considerations
  • Approval process for General Education/Core classes