Robert Moulder

June 17, 2024: Workshop at the Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2024

June 17, 2024

iSAT affiliated Research Scientist Robert Moulder hosted a two day workshop on Bayesian Analysis at the Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI). This conference was hosted by The Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR), which is an inter-disciplinary network of leading international researchers who are exploring the role and impact of...

Jeff Bush

June 10, 2023: iSAT's Jeff Bush Presents at AI Workshop During ISLS 2024

June 10, 2024

Jeff Bush, theme lead and Strand 3 member, presented at a workshop at ISLS 2024 (International Society of the Learning Sciences) titled AI Augmented Learning for All: Challenges and Opportunities in Buffalo, New York in early June. The objectives of the workshop was to provide the learning sciences community with...

Emily with Interns

June 3, 2024: iSAT’s High School Interns Present Their Work to iSAT Team Members!

June 3, 2024

The iSAT High School Internship Program had 7 interns from two local school districts present their internship research projects. During four, 10–15-minute, presentations, the interns covered what they’ve been working on as part of iSAT’s different research strands.

Jacob Whitehill

May 27, 2024: New Paper Alert!

May 27, 2024

One of our Strand 1 theme leads, Jacob Whitehill, recently had a paper published in the Journal of Educational Data Mining. Titled "Automated Evaluation of Classroom Instructional Support with LLMs and BoWs: Connecting Global Predictions to Specific Feedback” you can read the paper in its entirety here . Congrats Jacob!

NSF Site Visit

April 29, 2024: iSAT Presents to the NSF!

April 29, 2024

This week, iSAT had its annual site visit with the U.S. National Science Foundation. Our team members shared in-depth details of progress made during the fourth year as an Institute including updates on both of our AI partners - JIA and CoBi. The iSAT team is excited for what’s to...

Theme Leads

April 22, 2024: iSAT Presents to our External Advisory Board

April 22, 2024

iSAT Strand and Theme leads presented iSAT’s year 4 accomplishments to our valued External Advisory Board this week. iSAT members presented an overview of accomplishments since the last EAB meeting, plans for the upcoming year, and offered space for EAB members to ask questions about iSAT’s progress.

Summer Camp Meetings

April 15, 2024: iSAT Interns Work on Plans for Youth Summer Camp

April 15, 2024

Our iSAT Intern team members have been meeting every Friday to finalize the the summer camp for middle school students. These summer camps, held in conjunction with one of our partners school districts, give students a chance to explore, and learn more about, AI.


April 8, 2024: Our Sensor Immersion team Co-designs Curriculum with Partner District

April 8, 2024

iSAT’s Sensor Immersion team held its last professional development session with one of our partner school districts this week. The teachers, along with our team members, co-designed our self driving cars unit, which will be implemented in classrooms soon!

James Pustejovsky

April 1, 2024: Strand 1 Co-lead and Brandeis Professor Dr. James Pustejovsky Speaks at this week's Spring Colloquium Series

April 1, 2024

Dr. James Pustejovsky, Strand 1 co-lead and TJX Feldberg Professor, Department of Computer Science, Volen National Center for Complex Systems, Brandeis University, spoke at CU Boulder's Institute of Congitive Science's Spring Colloquium on Friday, April 5th. His talk, titled: Modeling Theory of Mind in Multimodal Dialogue, focused on Theory of...

words beyond walls

March 25, 2024: Denver-based Nonprofit Visits with iSAT Team Members at CU Boulder

March 25, 2024

The Denver-based nonprofit Words Beyond Walls visited iSAT last week. Our team members presented some of the work they are doing and then the attendees reflected and presented back to us their recommendations and suggestions.
