Photo of Amy Corbitt

December 20 - 24, 2021: Welcome, Amy Corbitt!

Dec. 20, 2021

We're excited to wecome Amy Corbitt to our team as our External Communications Professional!

iSAT members at the design sprint.

December 13 - 17, 2021: iSAT Design Sprint

Dec. 17, 2021

What role should our AI Partner take in the classroom? Is it a co-pilot? A community builder? Or something else? Learn about how we flew in iSAT members from across the United States for a three-day design sprint to answer this question and more!

Photo of iSAT researchers during their first data collection meeting.

Cross-strand Callout: Our New Fall Data Collection Team

Sept. 5, 2021

Developing the next generation of equitable, collaborative learning environments is an exciting and important mission, but one that is nearly impossible without data. Enter our latest cross-strand collaboration endeavour—the iSAT Fall 2021 Data Collection team. Our creative team-naming chops aside, this team began working in tight sprints over our fourth...

Collage of various iSAT workshops and events.

Happy Birthday, iSAT!

Sept. 1, 2021

Neither COVID nor IRBs nor faulty Zoom calls stay this institute from our mission. The NSF AI Institute for Student-AI Teaming (iSAT) had a busy first year, despite the numerous challenges set by starting an institute in the midst of a pandemic. Within the first three months of launch, we...

Jake Whitehill and his student Zeqian Li testing their speaker embedding models over Zoom.

Creating New AI Possibilities: Strand 1

Aug. 28, 2021

Over the past year and up to the current quarter, our Strand 1 researchers laid the foundational work needed to tackle their main challenge—developing new advancements in how machines process human language, gestures, and emotions. Strand 1’s work centers on developing an interactive AI Partner to listen to and analyze...

Students using sensors to determine if a plant needs water.

Creating AI-enabled Collaborative Learning Environments: Strand 2

Aug. 20, 2021

Our team science experts in Strand 2 strive to better understand how students, AI, and teachers can collaborate effectively in both classrooms and remote learning contexts. Their work during our first year focused on designing our AI-enabled Collaborative Learning Environments (AICL), which are set to enter the lab testing phase...

Photo of iSAT researchers leading a DPS teacher workshop.

Co-designing the Future of AI in Ed: Strand 3

Aug. 15, 2021

The work of our Strand 3 research thrust—which focuses on empowering diverse stakeholders to envision and co-design AI learning technologies—is integral to meeting our central challenge of promoting deep conceptual learning via rich socio-collaborative learning experiences for all students. To help meet this challenge, our Strand 3 researchers completed the...

Logo for longmont leader

CU Researchers Show St. Vrain Teachers How to Use Leading-Edge Technology to Help Students

July 29, 2021

Logo for Times-Call

SVVSD hosts STEM camps at the Innovation Center

July 22, 2021

Logo for the New York Times

Can A.I. Grade Your Next Test?

July 20, 2021
