The CU Boulder Budget Model Redesign: Executive Summary provides an overview of the new model, the process by which it was developed, the manner in which it meets the goals set forth by the Chancellor, and the timeline and associated processes for its implementation in fiscal year 2022-23 (“hold harmless” year) and beyond.

The Final Budget Model Recommendations presentation includes the full, detailed budget model recommendation presented to the Executive Sponsors by the Design and Strategic Alignment Committees in May 2022.

The Interactive Budget Allocation Model flowchart includes definitions of how the budget is allocated, explains the reasons behind budget model decisions, and examines the potential impacts of the new budget model components.

The Supplemental Fund Principles and Processes were approved in April 2023 and provide detailed information on how the qualitative portion of the budget model will work.

See below for definitions of key concepts related to the budget model and answers to the most frequently asked questions.