
The staff and faculty in The BUENO Center are nationally recognized for research focused on bilingualism, biliteracy, multiculturalism, and special education. Please enjoy and share any of our publications listed to the right.


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Latest publications 

Strong, K., & Escamilla, K. (2023). More than Language Learning: A QuantCrit Analysis of the Relationship Between District Contexts and Long-Term English Learner Rates. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR), 28(1), 47-68.

Hurie, A. & Palmer, D. (2022) Selling English-Medium Schooling in Multilingual Communities: A Typology of Choice Schools’ Marketing Strategies on the Near South Side of Milwaukee. Education Policy Analysis Archives. 30, (28). 

Linares, R. E. (2022). Maintaining Connections, Cultivating Community: The Role of Transnational Translingual Literacy Sponsorships in One Adolescent’s Literacy Practices. Teachers College Record124(12), 162-191.

Sembiante, S. F., Restrepo-Widney, C., Bengochea, A., & Gort, M. (2023). Sustainable translanguaging pedagogy in support of the vulnerable language: honoring children’s ways of ‘Showing’and ‘Telling’in an early childhood dual language bilingual education program. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1-15.

Sembiante, S. F., Bengochea, A., & Gort, M. (2022). Morning circle as a community of practice: Co-teachers’ transmodality in a dual language bilingual education preschool classroom. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 14687984221144232.

Hamman-Ortiz, L., Santiago Schwarz, V., Hamm-Rodríguez, M., & Gort, M. (2022 [online first]). Engaging teachers in genre-based pedagogy for writing arguments: A case study of shifts in practice and understanding. TESOL Quarterly.

Gort, M., & Hamm-Rodriguez, M. (2022). Centering language and communicative purpose in writing Instruction for bi/multilingual learners. The Reading Teacher, 75(6), 693-706.

Malova, I., Avalos, M., & Gort, M.  (2022). Teachers’ perceptions of integrated reading-writing instruction for emergent bilinguals. Reading and Writing Quarterly.

Snow Balderas, M. B., Hamm-Rodriguez, M., Santiago Schwarz, V., & Gort, M. (2022). Resisting high stakes educational reform through genre writing in a multilingual classroom. Language Arts, 99(3), 179-191.

Bengochea, A., & Gort, M. (2022). Translanguaging for varying discourse functions in sociodramatic play: An exploratory multiple case study of young emergent bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(5), 1697–1712.

M. & Palmer, D. (2022) Un día de lo’ padre: A multigenerational plática with bilingual pre-service teachers and their elders, sharing perspectivas about translanguaging and bilingual education. Language and Education. 

Harvey-Torres, R., Palmer, D. & *Degollado, E.D. (2022) Three worlds pitfall? A transfronteriza Latina bilingual teacher navigating home, school, and university divides. Teaching and Teacher Education. 116.

Diaz, E. S., & Schwarz, V. S. (2022). Implementing Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching in Dual Language Bilingual Inclusive Classrooms. In Bilingual Special Education for the 21st Century: A New Interface (pp. 25-49). IGI Global. 

  • Bilingual Special Education for the 21st Century: A New Interface addresses the complex intersection of bilingual education and special education with the overlay of culturally and linguistically sustaining practices. This work provides practical solutions to current dilemmas and challenges today’s educators of multilingual learners with disabilities face in the classroom. 

Escamilla, K., Olsen, L., & Slavick, J. (2022). Toward Comprehensive Effective Literacy Policy and Instruction for English Learner/Emergent Bilingual Students.

  • Effective literacy education for English learner/ emergent bilingual students is an urgent achievement and equity issue impacting well over five million students in the nation’s schools. It is imperative that English learner/emergent bilingual students leave school as proficient readers and writers in English and preferably more languages and who thrive and succeed in school and their communities. 

Escamilla, K., Shannon, S., & García, J. (2022). Four decades after Castañeda: a critical analysis of Bilingual/Dual Language Education in Colorado. Language policy21(3), 357-379.

  • The Castañeda Standard was handed down in 1981. We use this Standard along with Latino Critical Race Theory (Solorzano & Yosso, 2001) and Ruiz’s Language Orientations (1984) to conduct a historical analysis of bilingual education in Colorado from 1976 to 2019 to examine the availability of bilingual/dual language education for Latinx students over four decades.

Gort, M., & Hamm‐Rodríguez, M. (2022). Centering Language and Communicative Purpose in Writing Instruction for Bi/Multilingual Learners. The Reading Teacher

  • This article illustrates how two fourth-grade bilingual teachers transformed their writing instruction for bi/multilingual learners by integrating a functional approach to language and literacy teaching and learning. 

Gumina, D. (2022). Bilingual teachers’ improvisations as agentive policy work in a constrained policy context. Bilingual Research Journal, 1-17.

  • This study examines how three bilingual education teachers engaged with a transitional bilingual policy while balancing the demands of monolingual high-stakes assessments in ways that contributed to advocacy on behalf of their bilingual learners. The consequences of high-stakes accountability can be exacerbated in bilingual settings, because in these contexts often contradictory assessment policies and language policies interact. 

Hamm-Rodríguez, M., & Ortiz, L. (2022). Layering Caribbean Texts and Modalities: Relational Pedagogies for Secondary Language Arts Classrooms. archipelagos, (6).

  • What does it mean to “know the world” and to what extent is that possibility foreclosed in public schools in the United States? Despite claims that students must “read widely and deeply,” secondary language arts classrooms in the United States often reproduce larger geopolitical, linguistic, and racial projects of exclusion both through text selection and pedagogical practices. 

Hamman‐Ortiz, L., Santiago Schwarz, V., Hamm‐Rodríguez, M., & Gort, M. (2022). Engaging Teachers in Genre‐Based Pedagogy for Writing Arguments: A Case Study of Shifts in Practice and Understanding. TESOL Quarterly

  • This article reports on findings from the first year of a professional learning partnership aimed at supporting elementary teachers in improving their writing instruction for emergent bilingual students. Specifically, we present a case study of one fourth grade teacher's writing instruction, exploring how an introduction to a functional approach to teaching argument writing contributed to shifts in practice and in her understanding of effective writing instruction for emergent bilingual students. 

Hopewell, S., Escamilla, K., Ruíz-Martínez, M., & Zamorano, K. (2022). Designing and facilitating language interpretation experiences with 2nd and 3rd grade bilingual learners: Learning from teachers’ experiences. Bilingual Research Journal, 1-19.

  • The purposes of this exploratory case study were twofold: (1) to understand the strengths and challenges teachers experienced when designing and delivering language interpretation tasks for use with second- and third-grade bilingual students, and (2) to ascertain what teachers perceived to be the benefits and drawbacks of the instructional approach for their students. 

Linares, R. E. (2022). Factors Shaping Bilingual and ESL Teachers’ Perceptions of Successes and Barriers in Meeting Emergent Bilingual Students’ Needs. Journal of Latinos and Education, 1-18.

  • This paper explores the experiences of practicing bilingual (English/Spanish, English/Portuguese, and English/Haitian Creole) and English as a Second Language teachers after completing a Bilingual Bicultural Education Certification program. It highlights how teachers defined success when working with their emergent bilingual students and names the barriers that teachers identified as preventing them from success. 

Snow Balderas, M. B., Hamm-Rodríguez, M., Schwarz, V. S., & Gort, M. (2022). Resisting High-Stakes Educational Reform through Genre Writing in a Multilingual Classroom. Language Arts99(3), 179-191.

  • Using SFL genre pedagogy, one teacher centers the brilliance of multilingual student writers and resists the constraints of accountability frameworks in a grade 2 classroom.

Snow Balderas, M.B., & Gumina, D. (In Press). Collective Reflection to Resist Demoralization: Exploring Bilingual Teachers' Narrative Learning Experiences. Language Arts.