Proposals must include the information below and fit within the stated character limits (character limits include spaces). Incomplete or late proposals will not be considered. Proposals can be submitted by a single PI or two PIs. If additional individuals or labs are engaged in a collaborative effort, then these partners should submit letters of support. Application information will be submitted through a web-form with text boxes for each component.

Project Description

  • Project Title (up to 150 characters)
  • Explain the community need(s) to be addressed with the proposed project and why it is appropriate to address this need with AGeS-TRaCE funding. (Up to 2500 characters)
  • Provide an overview of the proposed TRaCE project. Explain the project goals and how the project will address the community need(s) described above. If similar activities appear to already be underway in the community, explain how the proposed project would make a contribution distinct from those other activities. The scope of the project should be feasible within the proposed time frame (up to 18 months for the expenditure of all awarded  TRaCE funds). Please explain any efforts that will be taken to ensure that the project models BAJEDI (Belonging, Accessibility, Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) principles. For example, BAJEDI principles might be reflected by efforts to ensure participation from students, staff and faculty from a wide range of institutions and backgrounds, involvement of representatives from less-resourced institutions in the planning of TRaCE projects, or inclusive pedagogical techniques (e.g. in workshops), or other practices. (Up to 3000 characters)
  • What concrete outcomes will indicate that your TRaCE project was successful? Describe any tangible products that will be generated from the TRaCE project and how they will be made accessible on, or linked from, the AGeS website. For example, this could include databases or interactive websites that are hosted elsewhere but linked to the AGeS website, or tutorials, webinars, workshop summary, or other materials hosted on the AGeS website. Products are expected to conform to FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability) principles (Up to 1000 characters)
  • Brief timeline. Proposed projects should be implemented and funds fully expended during the January 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026 time frame (up to 500 characters).
  • References cited.
  • Available funds. Please explain if you currently have any funds available for the proposed project. Matching funds are welcome, but are not required for TRaCE projects. Is the project that you propose likely to occur without AGeS-TRaCE support? (up to 500 characters)
  • Detailed budget and justification. Requested funds from AGeS may not exceed $10,000 per proposal. Budgets may include stipends required to accomplish the proposed activities, travel for project participants, and/or other related costs. For stipend-based proposals to cover the time dedicated by the PI or other project personnel to the TRaCE project, details of the number of hours required to accomplish the proposed work should be included. The funding is not a grant to an institution but is paid directly to individuals, labs, or other vendors from AGeS award funds managed by Arizona State University. As such, institutional indirect costs (e.g., overhead) should not be included in proposal budgets. The duration of TRaCE proposals funded in fall 2024 will be January 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026, during which time all TRaCE funds should be expended. Costs will be either invoiced directly to AGeS at Arizona State University, reimbursed, or disbursed as stipends. They are considered as Participant Costs in our NSF AGeS award.

Additional Documents

  • Partner Letter(s), if additional partners (individuals or labs) are engaged in the project. If additional partners (individuals or labs) are involved in the project, a letter of support should be provided from each partner. The partner will be sent an email request for the letter, which will be due a week after the proposal deadline.  If you would like to work with a lab that is not yet part of the AGeS lab network, the lab should join the AGeS program. Partner letters should address the following and will be submitted through a web-form: 
    • Please explain: A) your engagement in the proposed project, B) the project feasibility, and C) your level of interest in this project (2,000 character limit).
  • Optional Figure. Although not a requirement, you can upload a Figure/Graphic that helps explain your project proposal.