This page contains all of the current Certificates of Authorizations (COAs) issued to CU Boulder. If you are a CU-certified pilot who indends to fly under a COA other than the blanket COA, you must contact the Flight Operations department to be briefed about the procedures and policies contained in the COA in question. 

2023-WSA-13256-COA: This is the blanket COA, applicable to all airspace owned by the United States. (Use identifier 2021-WSA-9632-COA when filing a NOTAM)

2022-WSA-11698-COA: This COA applies to the backyard of the CU aerospace building.

2022-CSA-11697-COA: This COA authorizes operations of certain aircraft types up to 2500 feet AGL within an area encompassing most of Kansas and parts of Colorado and Oklahoma. 

2022-CSA-11680-COA: This COA authorizes operations of certain aircraft types up to 2500 feet AGL within an area encompassing North Dakota and a part of Minnesota. 

2020-WSA-5155-COA: This COA authorizes operation of certain aircraft types up to 2500 feet AGL within an area encompassing northeast Colorado, southeast Wyoming, southwest Nebraska, and northwest Kansas.

2019-WSA-4615-COA: This COA authorizes operation of certain aircraft types up to 2500 feet AGL within an area encompassing southeast Colorado and eastern New Mexico.

2023-WSA-12089-COA: This COA authorizes operation of certain aircraft types up to 1000 feet AGL within an area overlying Pawenee Grassland in northeast Colorado.

2022-CSA-11583-COA This COA authorizes operation of certain aircraft types up to 2500 feet AGL within an area encomassing eastern Nebraska, northeast Kansas, and southwest Iowa.

2023-CSA-12088-COA: This COA authorizes operation of certain aircraft types up to 2500 feet AGL in the vicinity of Vance Air Force Base.

2023-CSA-12576-COA: This COA authorizes operation of certain aircraft types up to 1700 feet AGL in the vicinity of Kenosha, Wisconsin. 

2023-WSA-12442-COA: This COA authorizes operation of certain aircraft types up to 1200 feet AGL in the vicinity of Fairbanks, Alaska.

2023-CSA-12055-COA: This COA authorizes operation of certain aircraft types up to 2000 feet AGL in the vicinity of Gavelston, Texas.

2023-WSA-13880-COA: This COA authorizes operation of certain aircraft types up to 1000 feet AGL or 2500 feet AGL in parts of Eastern Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska and Kansas.

2021-WSA-8328-COA: This COA authorizes operation of certain aircraft types in the vicinity of Pawnee Grassland, Colorado.

2023-CSA-12770-COA: This COA authorizes operation of certain aircraft types up to 2,500ft AGL, in class G and E airspace, in the vicinity of Northwestern Texas and Western Oklahoma.

2023-CSA-12771-COA:  This COA authorizes operation of certain aircraft types up to 2,500ft AGL, in class G and E airspace, in the vicinity of Northern Texas and sourthern Oklahoma.

2023-CSA-13881-COA: This COA authorizes operations of a specific aircraft type up to 2,500ft AGL, in class G and E airspace, in the vicinity of Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. 

2022-CSA-11700-COA: This COA authorizes operations of a specific aircraft type up to 2,500ft AGL, in class G and E airspace, in the state of South Dakota, and the vicinities of Iowa, Nebraska, and Minnesota. 

2023-CSA-12772-COA: This COA authorizes operations of a specific aircraft type up to 3,000ft AGL, in class G and E airspace, within an area in northwestern North Dakota. 

2023-CSA-12788-COA: This COA authorizes operation of certain aircraft types up to 3,000ft AGL, in class G and E airspace, in the vicinity of Bowman, North Dakota.

2023-WSA-13879-COA: This COA authorizes operation of aircraft up to 400ft AGL, in class D and G, in the vicinity of Boulder, Colorado. 

2023-WSA-13878-COA: This COA authorizes operation of aircraft up to 2,000ft AGL, in class E and G, in the vicinity of Angleton, Texas. 

2024-CSA-14760-COA: This COA authorizes the operation of certain aircraft up to 2000ft AGL, in class E and G, in the vicinity of Holland, Michigan.

2024-WSA-14866-COA: This COA authorizes the operation of the Blackswift S Aero unmanned aircraft system up to 2000ft AGL, in class E and G, in the vicinity of Boulder, Colorado and Nederland, Colorado.