Training Videos

These training videos are provided as a supplement to, not a repalcement of, our UAS training program. They are intended to refresh your memory after taking our course.

NOTAM submission guidance

This video is an instructional guide on how to submit NOTAMs in accordance with our COAs.



Multirotor flight maneuvers

This video walks you through the maneuvers that you will be taught during training and expected to perform during a checkride.



Fixed Wing flight maneuvers

This video walks you through the maneuvers that you will be taught during training and expected to perform during a checkride.



Multirotor mission planning and flight procedures

This video is a high-level summary of the steps you need to go through to plan and execute safe and compliant flights.



Multirotor pre and postflight procedures

This video is a high-level summary of the steps you need to go through to prepare for flights and wrap up flights and complete all postflight paperwork.



Additional maneuver videos: Demonstration of controller inputs

These videos review some of the required UAS flight manevuers for different categoris of aicraft but the recording is done with an RC flight simulator in which you are able to see the controller inputs required for said maneuvers. 




How to fill out logbooks:

These videos covers what you need to know about logbooks and how to correctly fill them out. 



CU Flight Ops Website and UAS Preflight Planning/NOTAM Submission Review:

A brief overview on some of the important key aspects when planning a flight and submitting a NOTAM. 
