Feedback Forms

In order to better improve the DPS Flight Operations Department, two feedback quizzes have been generated to allow for students to offer constructive criticism, concerns, and comments about the operation of and training given by the department. These quizzes are intended to be quick and easy to fill out. Quizzes are anonymous and provide an outlet for students to share feedback that students may not feel comfortable bringing up face to face or simply coulden't due to time constraints. One feedback quiz will be offered after the initial UAS pilot ground school training and the other will be offered after completion of a checkride. The second quiz may be used again, after subsequent checkrides, or as a default quiz for anyone looking to provide feedback. The first quiz will have more questions tailored to the ground school whereas the second quiz will be more program inclusive. Reports will be emailed directly to an OISC flight operations employee, who can compile the received feedback and present it for review during team meetings.  The quizzes can be found at the following links:

Post UAS Initial Pilot Ground School Feedback Form: click here

Post Checkride Feedback Form: click here