1/31/2022: When checking for MTRs (military training routes), it is no longer recommended to use IFR Lo charts (which have brown MTR depictions) as these do not show all MTRs. Continue to use the VFR section charts and look for grey line depictions. 

1/3/2022: The flight operations team is looking to hire a new student employee. For more information and a job listing click here.

12/20/2021: There have been issues in the past when filing NOTAMs with Leidos Flight Service in the sense that the website would not recognize the current COA ID. This is no longer the case, when filing a NOTAM please use the most up to date COA ID.  

12/20/2021: This month, the current blanket COA expires and a new one will take its place. Here is a hyperlink to the new blanket COA which is good until November 1, 2023.

11/16/2021: In the past, to sign up for ground school you would need to enroll in a SkillSoft course. Due to software changes, if you wish to sign up for ground school in 2022, please do so by emailing the DO directly at directorofflightoperations@colorado.edu 

5/11/2021: SkyVector no longer provides access to the Chart Supplement. Flight Operations has identified a new source of this information, linked to in the Helpful UAS Websites tab.

4/28/2021: New manuals posted. Per direction from Dan Jones, the Airworthiness Manual and Flight Operations Training Manual are published and effective on April 28, 2021. These are posted under the "Manuals" tab.

2/17/2021: Skyvector TFR issue. It has recently come to the attention of the department that in some cases, SkyVector is inaccurately representing TFRs. Please see the document below for more information and our reccommendations for checking TFRs in light of this issue. TFR issues announcement 

          11/24/2021 UPDATE: This no longer appears to be a problem although it is strongly encouraged to check for TFRs two ways (once on skyvector once on FAA website: tfr.faa.gov)