1. Spider‐Inspired Electrohydraulic Actuators for Fast, Soft‐Actuated Joints
    Nicholas Kellaris, Philiph Rothemund, Y Zeng, Shane K Mitchell, GM Smith, Kaushik Jayaram, Christoph Keplinger
    Advanced Science, 2100916, 2021.
  2. Morphological compliance enables robot locomotion through cluttered terrain
    H Kabutz, K Jayaram
    Bulletin of American Physical Society, 2021.
  3. Origami-inspired, high energy-density, low-voltage voice coil actuators for autonomous micro-robotic applications
    SS Eligar, HK Hari Prasad, K Jayaram
    Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2021.
  4. Micro Electroadhesive Treaded Robot (μETR)
    S Evans, L Wanzer, P McDonnell, N Doshi, R Wood, K Jayaram
    Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2021.
  5. Morphological compliant robotic system in cluttered terrain
    H Kabutz, K Jayaram
  6. A Fabrication Strategy for Reconfigurable Millimeter‐Scale Metamaterials
    HD McClintock, N Doshi, A Iniguez‐Rabago, JC Weaver, NT Jafferis, K Jayaram, RJ Wood, JTB Overvelde
    Advanced Functional Materials, 2103428, 2021.
  7. A streamlined fabrication process for high energy density piezoelectric bending actuators​
    NT Jafferis, K Jayaram, PA York, RJ Wood​
    Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 332, 113155, 2021.