1. Running without feet: the role of tarsi during high-speed horizontal locomotion in cockroaches
    Kaushik Jayaram
    , Cody Merritt, Arun Cherian, Robert J Full
    Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2011.

  2. A Tunable, Multisegmented Robotic Antenna for Identifying and Testing Biomechanical Design Principles
    Alican Demir, E Samson, Jean-Michel Mongeau, Kaushik Jayaram, Robert J Full, Noah J Cowan
    Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2011.

  3. Biomechanics of Tactile Sensor for Wall Following and Spatial Mapping
    Jean-Michel Mongeau, Kaushik Jayaram, Alican Demir, E Sampson, Noah J Cowan, Robert J Full
    Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2011.

  4. Role of robustness in running: Bio-and bio-inspired exoskeletons
    Robert J Full, Kaushik Jayaram, Jean-Michel Mongeau, Paul Birkmeyer, Aaron Hoover, Ronald S Fearing
    Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, 2011.